Does that make me a girl?

The new Harry Potter makes me want to fall in love!!! Does that make me a giant girl?

Does the fact that I long for storybook, angst-filled, teenage (not actually from a teenager) love, lessen my manly status? Does it put into question my manhood? Should I be ashamed of how I feel? Should I be telling anyone any if this?

The answer I know to be true. The answer that screams from the deepest recessess of my heart as being true says, “NO!!!”

But what does society say? What do all of those shows with manly men doing manly things in a manly way say? They say, “Yes! You’re a big girl!” They say, “You’re weird!” They even say, “You’re kind of gay!”

Well let it be heard far and wide, from the depths of my manly balls to the tip of my manly balding head, that I, Scott Weaver, AM A ROMANTIC! AND I DON’T CARE!!!

Okay. I feel better now! Back to my icream, apples, and beer. (That doesn’t make me pregnant does it?)

Still single,
